Thursday, June 18, 2009


Wow, I can't even believe that it has already been one full week since I started this new journey in North Carolina and let me tell you, it has not been a bed of roses. Keep in mind though it hasn't been as bad and that saying goes either.

I left Greeneville last Wednesday after visiting over at the camp. They were about to start Teen Camp (which I hate I missed out on), while there Josh told me of a story about a pilot. He said they had the three strikes your out rule..which basically means if three bad things happen to you before you are expected to fly an aircraft you are supposed to take the day off. I just laughed at the story, like I usually do when Josh tells stories and thought nothing else of it. However on my way to NC that changed. As I was actually going the speed limit down the interstate, I noticed I was hearing a noise coming from my drivers side window. I had all the windows rolled up and had the AC running. As I looked over, I saw that my rain guard was flapping in the wind. I rolled down the window a little bit (golly, it was hot that day) and held on to it until I could get to a heavy populated exit. I was scared ok! Anyways, I finally pulled over and taped my rainguard to my window/door with electrical tape. And this is what it looks like...

I have turned into a huge perfectionist in the past few months, so I am hoping that you can hardly tell that the electrical tape is on there. :) So that was my STRIKE ONE!

Wednesday Night went really well, I was really excited about the turn out. I talked about Jeremiah 29:11 and how God has a purpose for each of us. Afterwards we went to Taco Bell, that is where the youth and some of the adults always go on Wednesdays. Lucky for me, I am never gonna get rid of Mexican food..woo-hoo!
Hmm, as the weekend rolled around, I worked on my Sunday School lesson. I was really pleased with the topic. "Silence" However, I was not able to use it, but I can use it some other time. They introduced me infront of the church Sunday morning. It made me feel really welcome there. You gotta love Pastor McCaw..He is just great!

Sunday afternoon we went to a place called Happy Lake. Here are some pictures from it. I even had one of the youth get hurt on the trip playing water basketball..which I quickly learned I AM NOT GOOD AT!

Sunday Night service we watched Fireproof..All I say about that is SIMPLY AMAZING!!

Monday rolls around, I wanna see some I am sure you can only imagine where they take me..Yes, to the Dale Earnhardt Statue. Here are some pictures from that.

Well that is about all the time I have to write today..I am sorry its taking me so long to post.

1 comment:

  1. I just bumped in to your blog while looking at fans of the movie Fireproof.
    Welcome to NC. I hope you are enjoying your new position as Youth Pastor. I'm sure you'll be a blessing!
    I live in the Asheville area, our family moved here from CA a few years ago. Take a peek at my blog if the Lord leads. Many blessings, Marta
